5 Top Tips for Driving as a Senior

Best Cars for Seniors in 2020: Terrific Options for Older Drivers

As you age, it is natural to have a decline in your ability to see and hear. Those two things are the most common changes that impact your ability to drive. When you are aging, you might have to take more precautions while on the roads. Here are a few tips that can help to keep you safe while driving. 


One of the most important parts of driving is wearing your seatbelt. According to NHTSA, it has been estimated that seat belts saved almost 15,000 lives in 2017. Seatbelts serve a purpose that can potentially save your life.

Wearing your seatbelt can prevent you from being knocked unconscious during an accident. With that said, if you are wearing your seatbelt, you will have a higher chance of being able to escape your wrecked car.

Airbags are meant to protect a buckled passenger. If you are not wearing a seatbelt, you have a higher chance of hitting your head on the dashboard, sliding underneath the airbag, or even being thrown through the windshield. It takes three seconds to buckle up, so keep yourself safe inside the car by simply wearing your seatbelt.

Defensive Driving

Staying focus on the road is a key factor for staying safe while driving. Sometimes people become over-confident while driving and think that they can multi-task while driving, like eating or putting on make-up. If something is diverting your attention from driving, then you must stop what you are doing.

When a driver has a decrease in motor functions, it may become more difficult for them to react abruptly. If you have a medical condition that is problematic and affects your driving, you could possibly be a danger to yourself and the others on the road. It is up to you to know when it is time to stop driving. If you are experiencing any changes in your motor functions, visit your doctor and ask if it is safe for you to drive a motor vehicle.

Vision Check-Ups

As you become older, your senses might not seem to work like they used to. One of the senses that is known to decline with age is your vision. It is crucial to be able to see while you are driving. If you are unable to see while driving you, you will have difficulties seeing the road, reading signs, or seeing pedestrians.

Once you become 65 or older, it is recommended to get your vision check every 1 to 2 years. If you do have some difficulties with your sight, you should always wear your contacts or glasses while operating the vehicle. It is also recommended that you avoid driving at nighttime to avoid any glares from oncoming traffic.

Put the Phone Down

While you are driving, you do not want to do anything that takes your focus off of the road, like speaking on the phone or texting. According to Synergy Home Care, there have been 1.6 million car wrecks that were caused by drivers being on their cell phones. A study has shown that when a driver is engaging in a hands-free phone conversation, it took longer for them to react to a car slowing down ahead of them compare to someone who was not speaking on the phone. Research has also shown that when one is talking on the phone, their crash risk quadruples.

Using your phone while driving is equivalent to someone who is driving under the influence. When you are getting inside your vehicle, silence your phone to where it does not distract you. Make a pledge to yourself that you will not use your phone while driving, and you can help save your own life and possibly another’s.

Car Care

Taking good care of your vehicle can be simple and does not have to be a difficult task. Having your car clean and inspected are some great tips to keep your car safe and running. Whenever you are driving, your car can become filthy with dirt and grime. Having a clean car will wipe off any residue and will make it clearer to see out of your windshield.

The most important part of your car is your brakes! You will want to replace your brake pads every 20,000 miles. Being able to slow down or stop immediately will help avoid any accidents. If your brakes were to fail, it would become extremely dangerous. You can get your brakes replaced at your local service repair shop. While you are there, you should go ahead and get your car inspected. You will want to get your car inspected at least once a year. The servicers will look at things like your blinker, windshield wipers, oil, and more.

Driving as a senior can still be a leisure and a favorite pastime. Being able to drive can give you a feeling of independence and freedom. Just remember, to be a defensive driver throughout your whole ride and be aware of your surroundings.