Why Is Comment Management Important For Brands?

There are many reasons why you should manage your YouTube channel comments.  The first reason is quite apparent, engagement.  When you post a photo on Instagram or a text on Facebook, the goal is obvious: you want people to interact. Let’s go back to the most powerful video platform in the world. There are three possibilities for interacting with audiovisual content pages. They are likes, shares, and comments and you can buy YouTube comments

In the first two cases, there is no dialogue, and the internet user acts. However, this is not to say that these actions are not worth it. On the contrary, they are valuable because they feed the platform’s algorithm, making more people watch your video. In other words, your video will be recommended to more people, and, together with your channel’s dissemination strategies, you will have more views and better results. Great, isn’t it?

But comments, in addition to exercising this same function, also bring a unique opportunity: the chance for you to respond to them! Speaking of communication strategies, there is elementary logic: engaged people tend to talk about the brand and even buy its products. That’s why comment interactions are, in and of themselves, a powerful weapon.

For example, there may be a question from the user whose answer you know, and by making it public, you can clarify the topic, generate authority for the brand, and maybe even acquire more subscribers! Unfortunately, negative comments will also surface. Criticism, name-calling, and even trolling and spam. What can affect your channel’s reputation?

In these cases, you have the opportunity to explain yourself and reframe the image the user has about you or, in more extreme cases, even delete them. This way, you ensure that people will maintain a positive image of your content and the brand.

How To Manage YouTube Comments Step-By-Step

Now that you know how vital YouTube comment management is, it’s time to get your hands dirty. YouTube is a very intuitive tool. So, next, let’s learn how to manage them in a practical and uncomplicated way.