Bringing Your Lawn Back to Life After Winter 

How to Bring Your Yard Back to Life After a Harsh Winter -

After the long winter months, it’s finally time to get your lawn back in shape. But how do you go about it? Here are some helpful tips on how to bring your lawn back to life after the cold weather has passed. 


When the temperatures start to rise, it’s time to break out your mower and get started on getting your lawn ready for spring. You may want to begin by raising the height of your mower blade. Mowing too short can harm the grass and leaves it vulnerable to weeds, insect infestation, and disease. 

When mowing, always make sure you have a sharp blade as well; dull blades can rip and tear at the grass instead of cutting cleanly. And don’t forget to clean up after yourself; leaving clippings on the lawn can suffocate and kill your grass. 


Fertilizing is an important part of bringing a dormant or semi-dormant lawn back to life as well as keeping it healthy throughout the growing season. Before you apply any fertilizer, however, make sure that you test your soil first in order to determine what nutrients you need for optimal growth. 

It’s also important not to over-fertilize; more is not always better when it comes to fertilizer! Follow all instructions carefully when applying any type of fertilizer or herbicide/pesticide product.  

Be Careful!

Right after winter, many people are eager to get out into their yard and start working but be careful not let that enthusiasm lead you astray! If there is still snow on the ground or if temperatures are still below freezing, wait until conditions are right before starting any work on your lawn – otherwise you risk damaging or killing off portions of grass that haven’t yet come out of dormancy. 

Additionally, avoid walking on frozen grass as this can lead to dead spots in areas where foot traffic has been heavy over winter (such as paths).  

Lawn Care Summary

Bringing a dormant or semi-dormant lawn back into shape isn’t an easy task but with patience, knowledge of proper techniques and care practices, and a little hard work, even those with brown patches or brown spots from winter stress can recover with beautiful lush green results in no time at all! 

With these simple tips in mind, you can take your lawn to the next level. Consult with a local lawn care provider for even more tips and information on how to keep your lawn healthy after winter.