Buying your first standup desk: Quick tips worth knowing!

Being in a sedentary sitting position for long hours can have a detrimental impact on your health. Studies have linked excessive sitting to weight gain, muscle fatigue, and obesity, and the solution to the problem is rather simple – a stand up desk! For the uninitiated, standup desks are also called standing workstations. A standup desk allows the user to work in a comfortable position while standing. There are numerous choices in standup desks, including electric ones, and in this post, we are sharing a few tips that may come in handy.

Know your choices

A standup desk is a standalone product in itself and it can be adjusted as required. This means that you can use electric power or can manually adjust the height from a sitting to standing position, or vice versa. If you already have a desk and don’t want to replace it, a Standing Desk Converter could be a good option. Again, there are many choices, but these can be placed on the existing desk, so you can save some money. Electric standup desks are always your best bet, especially if you want a new workstation.

Features to check

For electric models, you can expect a programmable unit installed on the desk, which will also have memory settings. Some desks will even alert you that you have been sitting for too long, and adjustments can be made with the help of a single button. Besides this, do check the minimum & maximum height of the desk, especially if you are too tall or short. Many desks do not have a tabletop included in the price, because people often want a tabletop to suit their needs. If the product doesn’t have a tabletop, you can customize it as required, but do check if there is any restriction with regards to weight that can be placed on the desk stand. For electric standup desks, warranty is an important factor, and at the least, you can expect one-year warranty on the product.

Pricing of standup desks

It depends on the features, but expect to pay more than $200 on electric models. The best standup desks also have better warranty and more programable features, so the cost is considerably higher. You can always choose to explore models based on what you can afford, but yes, don’t shy away from checking reviews and features.

A good standup desk is like an investment for the workplace, so spending more is never wasteful.