Health obstacles by a mosquito

Being encircled by mosquitoes can be disturbing and problematic, not just because of their murmur, but also because of mosquito bites.

What makes mosquitoes even more dangerous are the viruses, bacteria, and parasites they disseminate, thereby resulting in disorders.

As per World Health Organisation (WHO), mosquito bites result in more than one million demises every year, malaria being one of the major reasons for demise.

termite treatment singapore

Here are some of the mosquito-borne diseases that you should be knowledgeable of:-

Dengue fever

Caused by a female mosquito of the variety Aedesaegypti, and to a lesser degree, by Aalbopictus, Dengue affects an individual body severely. Indications for the infection encompass severe headache, high fever, pain in bones and muscles, and passive bleeding from the gums and nose, among others. Many people might also deal with a more drastic form of the illness called dengue hemorrhagic fever.


Inflicted by a parasite Plasmodium, this illness is transmitted via bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. The parasites do multiply in the liver and influence the red blood cells (RBC). Indications for the infection comprise headache, fever, and vomiting. Malaria can be life-threatening if not dealt with instantly.


This is a viral infection conveyed by the bite of infected mosquitoes such as Aedesalbopictus and Aedesaegypti. It can result in headaches, high fever, joint, and muscle pain. There is, yet, no particular medication for the disease. One would require to take a rest and eat liquids until the indications go away.

Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis)

This disease results from three thread-like parasitic filarial worms, Wuchereriabancrofti, Brugiatimori and Brugiamalayiall disseminated by mosquitoes. It injuries the lymphatic system and yields in uncomfortable, puffy legs. The lymphatic harm may also lead to periodic assaults of infection.

Zika fever

Zika virus is also communicated through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. The indications are modest and may comprise fever, joint muscle pain, or rash. There’s, yet, no vaccine to stave off the virus.

So, what can you do so except prevent yourself from these mosquitoes? They are the transportation of one of the harmful infections I.e. the dengue and with the changing moments, the resistance of mosquitoes towards several therapies has also boosted. Thus, numerous agencies give skilled assistance to get relief from mosquitoes.

Get rid of this troublesome disturbance that stinks on the flesh of humans evacuating welts and rashes. With Singapore mosquito control services, looking at the serious effects of mosquitoes, to avert the spread of endemic infections is of grave significance.

Most common areas of ‘mosquito control’:

  • Stagnant water
  • Lakes
  • Gutters
  • Bucket
  • Ponds

At Aardwolf Pestkare, we offer the best termite treatment Singapore and the most effective mosquito repellents. Mosquito repellents are chemicals formulated to stave off mosquitoes out from the human body deterring them from feeding on blood. They are accessible in the form of lotions, creams, sprinkles, etc., and are contemplated harmless for skin.

If you believe that you desire professional attention to drive mosquitoes away from your residence, don’t delay and call us immediately. We provide control services, across Singapore with immediate house calls to households in need of mosquito control treatment.