How To Increase Tap Water Pressure

If you’re expecting water to flow profusely when you turn on the kitchen faucet, but what happens is a slow drip, the first thing to do is check other faucets in the house. If they have the same problem, check with neighbors as well, and if they also have low flow in their taps, check with the water company or click here for more.

However, if the problem is only at a specific point, there are a few more techniques to check the problem and increase tap water pressure.

Because Little Tap Water Comes Out

Numerous situations can cause low pressure of water coming out of the tap. Therefore, we will leave some information and tips to solve the main problems:

  • The partially closed water register
  • Obstruction that could be dirt in the aerator (aerator)
  • Thread sealing tape preventing the passage of water
  • Little water pressure coming from the street
  • Obstruction caused by tap O-rings (rubbers)
  • air in the pipe
  • Faucet repair with problem

Partially Closed Water Register

Before trying complicated solutions, make sure the water damper is fully open. Do this not only on the main water register but on all of your property’s water registers. Usually, every room in the house that uses water has a hydraulic valve; it is a very useful component if you need it for leaks. Typically, at least three registers are installed in the residence, distributed in the laundry, kitchen, and bathroom.

Check The Aerator First

Most kitchen faucets have an aerator. The main purpose of the aerator is to oxygenate the water flow, breaking it down into thousands of tiny droplets, and its secondary purpose is to slow the water flow to increase pressure. Sometimes the aerator does this secondary task very efficiently. If the water is hard (limestone) in your municipality, the taps can quickly clog.

You can usually unscrew the aerator without tools, but sometimes you have to use pliers. Some faucets have a built-in aerator, and if you can’t get the object out without tools, you may need a unique tool available at most hardware stores.

Try testing the faucet with the aerator off, and if the flow is normal, you’ve found the problem and can decide if you want to clean it overnight by leaving the part submerged in a bowl of vinegar to dissolve the hard water limescale, replace it. Or leave the faucet without the aerator.

Debris Preventing The Passage Of Water

If you have new tap water with low pressure, a good chance that a piece of tape anti-leakage type thread seal tape or some dirt left during the installation process has been left inside. If the faucet has been in service for some time, there may also be debris inside it, but the debris comes from the water pipes, for example, through a galvanic corrosion process. So, there’s a chance the low water pressure from the taps is related to the plumbing, and there’s an easy way to tell. All you need to do is remove the faucet and test the water flow without it or visit the website for more information.