Things to Know Before Installing Your Own Artificial Turf

Some people have naturally grown lawns that just do not cut it. With the grass looking dead or patchy, it might be time to consider getting some artificial turf installed. While it is possible to have people install it for you, it is also possible for you to buy synthetic grass and then install it on your own. While that is certainly doable, you should really familiarize yourself with the steps involved so that you do not make any mistakes. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you go getting rid of your old turf and laying down a new one.


First, you will of course need to remove the natural grass to make room for the new turf. This can be done with a sod cutter. You might be able to give pieces of the lawn to a neighbor if they want any. If it is all virtually unusable, however, there is no need. You will also need to remove weeds so that it does not get in the way of the turf. Other things to get rid of include leftover plant material, rocks, and twigs. With these gone, you can maximize the necessary space for your new artificial turf.

Weed Control

While weeds can be removed, it can be difficult to spot small remnants of them that may lead to more popping up. However, there is a remedy for this. If you are worried about more weeds growing in the area and messing with your turf, there is a type of fabric that you can get. This would be called a weed mat. After the whole excavation and raking process but before installing the turf, you can lay this mat over the plot. With this lying underneath the artificial turf, you do not need to worry so much about anything hindering your new acquisition from looking its best.


As you dig into the ground to make room for the new lawn, it is important to provide a depth of at least two inches. You could even go as deep as four inches if you would like. After excavation, you can install a benderboard border along the perimeter. An alternative for this would be 60d six inch nails, which would have to be spaced four inches apart from each other. If you add gravel into the excavation site (which is recommended), make sure that it is not too large and that it is a quarter inch above the perimeter at the edges, but higher in the middle. When you eventually get to the step of installing the turf, you can choose to either glue the seam or use nails and staples. For the latter strategy, you should make sure that the stitches are 3/8 of an inch apart, and that the nails are approximately 18 inches from the seam.

New Turf Awaits

A process such as this would be opening a new chapter for your home. Installing artificial turf on your own might not be a simple task, but it is definitely doable. If you have any questions or concerns, however, you can reach out to SynLawn. With a lot of experience installing artificial turf, they can go over the process with you step by step so that you know what you are doing. So be sure to know what you are getting into before you install your new artificial turf. As long as you are prepared, you are in for a rewarding experience.