When do you need a Colorado car accident lawyer?

There’s no two ways about it – Car accidents and crashes are complicated and stressful. Colorado is a fault state, so if the other party was responsible for the accident, they must pay compensation for your damages and injuries. The compensation covers for medical bills, lost wages, and other losses that you may have incurred. Hiring a Colorado car accident lawyer is not compulsory, but is an important decision. In this post, we are sharing more on when and why hiring an attorney is important. 

The accident involved multiple parties

Some car accidents are simple, while others are often messy and hard to understand. Immediately after an accident, you may not be in a state to comprehend what may have happened. Also, what people assume right after may not be always correct. You need an attorney, especially when the car accident involved a bunch of cars and drivers. Your attorney will do their share of investigation in the case, to find what or who caused the accident. 

If you were partly at fault

Like many other states, Colorado follows the modified comparative negligence rule. If you had a share in causing the accident, your eventual settlement will be reduced by your fault in percentage. You need an attorney, because the insurance company of the other party may use this against you. They may pin the entire blame on you, and it would be hard to prove anything without evidence or an attorney by your side. 

You suffered serious injuries

Injuries after a car accident may not be evident right way. Spinal and back injuries often show up months later, and some of these injuries can be serious. If you don’t check with a doctor and document your injuries, your compensation may not cover for long-term medical care you need. When your injuries are likely to impact what and how much you earn in the future, a lawyer can help in determining the true worth of your car accident claim. 

No need to pay upfront

You don’t have to pay an attorney right away. The good news is you meet an accident lawyer and discuss the facts of your case. If they agree to take your case, it will be on a contingency basis. This means that the lawyer doesn’t ask for a fee, unless and until they win. 

Check online now to find more on accident lawyers in your area and consult one soon after your accident.